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We know your time is valuable. That's why we're pleased to provide Helper Assurance Plan members with Online Assistance. With your permission, Helper Customer Support experts connect to your computer to see exactly what you see, diagnose the problem, provide you with the help you need, and get you back to your practice quickly. Online Assistance cuts call times in half! Look for more support resources in the future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Account Management

What are Helper's hours of operation?

Helper team hours are 8am - 5pm central Monday - Friday.  We close early on Wednesdays at 4:30pm.

Can I make a payment over the phone?

Yes!  You may pay your Helper Assurance renewal and ClaimsConnect invoices via phone, 800.343.5737 x3

How do I add authorized contacts to my account?

Please email with your account number, name of new contact(s) and their email address.  Authorized contacts are allowed to call us on your behalf for support, questions, and to make changes on your account.

My office moved, how do I update you on my new address?

Please email with your account number and new address, phone, and/or email address.

How do I update my credit card for Helper Assurance and ClaimsConnect?

Please call us at 800.343.5737 x3 or fax this form to 888.965.4021

When is my Helper Assurance renewal due?

Your Helper Assurance plan renews annually on the same date.  Renewal notices are mailed about 30 days ahead of the due date.  Renewals are processed automatically if we have a current method of payment on file, and we send notices via email and phone ahead of your due date if we don’t have a current card on file.

How do I update the email address for monthly ClaimsConnect paperless invoices?

Please email with your account number and preferred email address(es).

Adding a Payer ID

Where do I add the Payer ID for an Insurance Company that I submit to electronically?

1. In Helper, go to Setup > Libraries, and select Insurance Companies from the left side. Select the appropriate Insurance Company from the list and click Edit button at the bottom.

2. On the Billing tab, approximately half way down the screen, you will see the Payer Organization ID field. Click the ellipsis button (3 dots) to the right. Scroll through the list of insurance companies (or start typing the name). Select the one you are looking for and press the OK button. This will populate the payor ID number in the Payor Organization ID field.

3. Save the screen and close the Insurance Companies Library.

Archiving/Inactivating a Therapist

How do I archive a Therapist?

To archive a therapist, you must make sure that the therapist’s clients are inactive first or change the client to a different therapist.

1. To start, in Helper select the Reports button (top right), then select Patient Lists on the left. Choose Patient phone book and press the Run button at the bottom.

2. On the new window, click the Select Group of Patients button, then select the Library Links tab. Select the Therapist in the Therapist field by using the ellipsis button (3 dots) and click OK twice. Now run the report by pressing the Preview button. It will generate a list of clients.

3. Set the patients from the report to inactive or change their therapist in their facesheet.

  1. From the main Helper screen, select the patient from the list, then Edit facesheet button on the right. Patient status is listed at the bottom. Save your changes.
  2. To change therapists, on the patient facesheet, select the Library Links tab, then update the Therapist. Save your changes.

4. Once the clients status are updated then go into Setup > Libraries and select Therapists on the left. Choose the therapist in question and click the Edit button at the bottom. In the lower right corner change the status from active to inactive and save. The provider has now been made inactive/archived.

Billing Taxonomy needs to be added to Electronic Claim (ClaimsConnect)

My claim is being rejected for missing the billing provider’s taxonomy code.

Click the link for a short video on this subject: Taxonomy in ClaimsConnect

Day Sheet Report

A client requested a list of all the payments they made to me this year for their taxes. What is the best way to generate this list?

The easiest way to do this is by generating a day sheet report showing just patient payments and sorting it by month.

Click the link for a short video on this subject: Day Sheet Report Payments

Income Review Report

How can I get a report to show my income for the year?

1. In Helper select the Reports button (top right), then under Summary Reports select Transaction Summary on the left (double click to expand).

2. Next, choose the report called Income review, then select the Run button. Enter the date range (remember to go one day past the date you wish to include). Then, select the Report Layout button to set the options you would like. Save and then run the report by clicking the Preview button.

Here is a video that helps illustrate how to run the Income Review Report:
Income Review Report

Installing Helper on a new PC

How do I move Helper to a new PC?

After performing a backup of your most current Helper database (or retrieving your most recent one), you will need to download a link to Helper from the website and then add the data by restoring the backup file.

Click on this link then select the download that matches your configuration type. Enter your account information and click Submit. You will get a link to a download to install Helper. Run the installation file and once installed you can restore your most recent backup file.

Patient Bills

How do I print a patient bill?

Here is a video that explains how to print a Patient Bill: Printing Bills

Payment Tracking

How does Payment tracking work?

Click on the link for a short tutorial on Payment Tracking (short)

Here is a more detailed video: Payment Tracking (long)

Person – Non-Person

What is the difference between Person and Non-Person?

This is used to determine if you are identified with Insurance as an individual provider or as a business (if payment should be sent to you as an individual or to the business).

A type 1 NPI is assigned to an individual. If a provider is set up with a payer as an individual, then the billing entity type would be set to person in Helper. The provider’s individual NPI is entered in the Claim Settings tab of the Provider.

  1. In Helper, select Setup > Libraries, then choose Therapists on the left and select the therapist name and then the Edit button at the bottom.
  2. On the Claim Settings tab, select NPI, then press the Edit button. In the NPI box, enter the individual NPI. Save your changes.

A type 2 NPI is assigned to a business. If a provider is set up with a payer as a business, then the billing entity type is set up as nonperson (business). The business NPI is entered in the Facility Claim Settings tab.

  1. In Helper, select Setup > Libraries, then choose Facilities on the left. Select the facility, and click the Edit button.
  2. On the Claim Settings tab, select NPI, then press the Edit button. In the NPI box, enter the business NPI. Save your changes.

Here is a short video on how to set this up. Person vs. Non-Person

Range Check Error when sending a batch of claims

How do I correct a “Range Check Error” when submitting claims through ClaimsConnect?

1. Open ClaimsConnect. Click on the symbol (caret) before the Claims Folder on the left.

2. Select the Unsubmitted folder. Select the first item in the list and then press Ctrl + A to select all the items, then right click on any item and select Archive. Confirm that you want to archive the items. Once that is complete you can go back to Helper and submit claims.

To avoid receiving this error in the future, be sure to send no more than 40 dates of service per patient.

Referring Provider NPI

How do I fix a rejection for a missing referring provider NPI?

First, confirm that you need a referring provider.

If the referring provider is required:

  1. Go to Setup > Libraries > Referring Physicians. Select the provider in question and click Edit.

  2. Go to the Claim Settings tab, click on NPI and click the edit button at the bottom of the page to add the NPI number.

  3. When finished, save out of the library.

If the referring provider is not needed, then edit the session:

  1. Go to the Other tab and delete the referring Provider and save the session.

  2. You will also need to edit the client’s facesheet/defaults. Delete the referring provider.

Secondary Claims and Claim Adjustment Codes

How do I correct the Claim Balance rejection I am getting on a secondary claim?

You are likely are not applying the primary payment correctly. To correct the amounts not adding up correctly, watch this short video: Claim Adjustment Codes

For a more comprehensive review select this video: How to Submit Secondary Claims Electronically

Tax ID # and NPI #

How do I change or update my Tax ID or NPI # for claims I am submitting electronically?

1. You will need to complete and submit the change Tax ID form

2. Once we have confirmed the form has been processed, you can edit the therapist in the Therapist library:

  1. Go to the Claim Setting Tab and locate the fields for NPI & Tax ID/SSN
  2. Click on the field you want to update. Click the edit button at the bottom of the screen, make your edit, then click OK. When finished, save out of the Therapist library.

Taxonomy on HCFA 24I or 33B

How do I add a taxonomy code to a HCFA form?

If you are billing as a Person:

  1. In Helper, select Setup > Libraries, then choose Therapists (or Providers) on the left and select the therapist name and then the Edit button at the bottom.

  2. On the Claim Settings tab, select Secondary IDs, then press the Add button.

  3. In the Window that opens, click the down arrow for the Qualifier and scroll down to ZZ - Provider Taxonomy

  4. In the Secondary ID field enter the Taxonomy.

  5. Click on the blue text Edit Insurance Companies... and choose the insurance company from the left side. Check the appropriate box on the right to add the taxonomy.

  6. Click the link for a short video on this subject: Adding Taxonomy to a HCFA 1500 Form

Transaction or Patient List Sorting

How do I get my Patient List or Transaction Ledger back to the way I had it sorted?

Both of these can be sorted by clicking on the column title at the top of each column. For example in the transaction ledger, if you click on DATE then it will sort by date. Each time you click on the title, it will reverse the sort order.

If your question is related to the ledger grouping everything together under a single column title, watch a short video on correcting this issue: Sorting the Transaction Ledger

Data Conversion Services

We also offer a full range of data conversion services. You can choose to migrate just your patient demographic data or a full set of data including tables such as insurance companies, referring providers, facilities, providers and startup patient balances. We will work with you to help you move your data from your old system to Helper so you can be productive with Helper as quickly as possible.

The last and perhaps most important startup process focuses on ensuring your electronic transactions process works properly so your insurance payments continue flowing into your practice. We have extensive expertise in this area as our systems process over 7 million electronic claims per year and know that cash flow is the most important result of our Helper Software.

Statement of Version Support

In an ongoing effort to provide high-quality customer support, Netsmart Technologies periodically sunsets (also known as retiring) older versions of Therapist Helper, discontinuing live support and most business services for those versions. Sunsetting older versions of Therapist Helper enables us to focus resources on supporting more current versions of Helper, which are used by the vast majority of customers.

Live support for Therapist Helper versions prior to Version 9.6 was discontinued effective December 30th, 2021. If you have a current support contract and are on a version of Therapist Helper prior to 9.6, please upgrade in order to maintain your eligibility for live support.